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End of Life Services
Facilitating End of Life planning- This includes helping to create and or finalize an advanced directive. I will help prepare and support your family and friends to carry out your wishes, as well as to help make arrangements for remains/burial in cases of sudden death. I will be sharing resources to make this process less stressful at such a delicate time, so that you are unburdened by necessary paperwork and phone calls that I can complete on your behalf. Think of me as your support system to help you organize and schedule time with your family and friends to ensure your last moments are filled with joy, love, and compassionate experiences. I can also initiate difficult conversations with family, whether you need to make amends for the past, have disagreements about how you want to be cared for, or whatever circumstances present themselves, I will advocate for your wants, needs, and requests.
Emotional & Spiritual Support- This is extremely beneficial to the person transitioning through the dying process, as well as their family & friends. It could be as simple as playing cards, reading your favorite stories to you, listening to music that calms your mind, watching your favorite movie, taking you outside to feel the wind on your face, smelling fresh flowers, to listening to your fears, your regrets and all the things you haven't done that you wanted to. It's very important to acknowledge what is coming up for you emotionally, especially right after receiving a terminal diagnosis, whether it's days or months, having someone to sit and just be present with what your feeling can do wonders to release anxiety. Just knowing that someone will be by your side to LISTEN, can bring much comfort during the initial shock phase. Please let me know how I can help.
Scribe your Legacy- Life review includes documenting your life story, an ethical will, family history, creating a video, audio recorded stories, or letters to loved ones to be shared after your passing at a home funeral or memorial service.
​Home Funeral Guide- I will provide you with all the education and information needed to prepare your beloved for a home funeral. According to a study referenced by Stanford University, 80% of people would prefer to die at home if possible. Even if this is not an option given individual circumstances, it is legal in California to bring you or your beloved home immediately after passing to provide the family and friends an opportunity to have the closure of saying goodbye. It can be a beautiful experience to send your blessings and share gratitude for the ways they will be remembered for how they impacted each person who had the privilege of knowing them. This way, a deep level of healing can be initiated just as the grieving process settles in. I can hold space for this to happen in your home, just where you wanted to be, which can bring great peace to the bereaved.
Ceremonial Death Rites- In a heightened state of consciousness through deep meditation, I assist the Spirit's transition out the physical body with as much grace and ease possible. This is a non-religious practice that honors each of us as a soul traveling back to our Divine Source. This will benefit anyone regardless of your beliefs about where you go after dying, but it is also optional. It definitely can be done in addition to other religious practices, not performed by me, to support the end of life process. Knowing that someone will be there to hold space for this transition of your Spiritual energy as it is guided and protected during the journey of dying can give you peace of mind. Each ceremony can be tailored to your individual beliefs. I use sacred oils, flowers, aromatherapy, and the incense of frankincense, myrrh, and copal. Using ritual tools such as the rattle, singing bowls, drum, and songs, I can support the harmonic vibrations of transcendence. I also provide ceremonial services for the bereaved to release deeper levels of grief and loss through symbolic rituals which can be very effective for children as well. These include, releasing butterflies, making memory boats, decorating cardboard caskets, and many other rituals that honor you becoming an ancestor.
Final Arrangements- I can assist you with communicating to funeral homes, provide information about home funerals, perform ceremonial death rites, write an obituary and or a eulogy. I can also contact hospice services in your area and make any other arrangements that may be necessary for you to feel closure. Oftentimes making a list of passwords for online accounts that will need to be closed is forgotten and the bereaved are well into their grief process when contacted about late bills, or whatever may be needing attention. I am happy to organize personal information and make documents available to those who will need them.
Quantum Biofeedback- These sessions are used to eliminate stress, anxiety and fear which are natural to feel during the end of life process. Please see the menu above for more details about how this could benefit you or support your family to reduce stress and grief being held in the body.
Here's how Becoming Ancestors can be of service to you and your family.
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